
Type: TV Series

Plot Summary: The story centers around Ry?ta Sakamoto, a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) young man and a top-ranked player in the online combat game Btoom! One day, he wakes up on a tropical island without remembering how he got there. He sees a figure in the distance and asks for help. However, the figure responds by throwing something at Ry?ta… more The story centers around Ry?ta Sakamoto, a NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) young man and a top-ranked player in the online combat game Btoom! One day, he wakes up on a tropical island without remembering how he got there. He sees a figure in the distance and asks for help. However, the figure responds by throwing something at Ry?ta — a “BIM” bomb. In that moment, Ry?ta comes to realize two things: one, his own life is in danger, and two, he is now in the world of Btoom!

Genre: Action , Psychological , Sci-Fi , Seinen

Released: 2012

Status: Completed



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